Al tuo passo

Site-specific permanent installation disseminated on the walk La Via delle Sorelle, route Nembro-Lonno (Bergamo)

45 engraved stones, 24/28 x 5 cm approx each

Photo: the artist, Davide Trapletti and @potatrek

Al tuo passo consists of a series of small sculptures made of local stone that echo the elongated ogival shapes of the “coti” stones (used as abrasives to sharpen or grind tools), for ages a key product of the region’s economy. Scattered along the path like amulets in which the human and animal element unite and cohabit, the stones carved with words and drawings are a translation of the atmospheres and reflections gathered during the encounters with the inhabitants of Nembro. The sculptures can be read on the way up, in the proper direction, as a sort of walking and breathing score of one’s path; while on the way down they invite to pause briefly, to slow down in order to read them. An installation that indirectly recalls, through the time of any individual and community, that deep and layered time of each landscape.

Al tuo passo - Map
Curated by Alessandra Pioselli & Ilaria Bignotti.

In collaboration with Camilla Remondina.

Promoted by Comune di Bergamo and VisitBergamo, with Comune di Nembro, in collaboration with Biblioteca Centro Cultura Tullio Carrara, with the contribution of Regione Lombardia and VisitBergamo, produced by HG80. An event of Bergamo Brescia Capitale Italiana della Cultura 2023.

Special thanks to Sara Bergamelli, Walter Favretto, Francesco Pedrini, Giusi Quarenghi, Alessandra Mastrangelo e Mario Curnis.