


  • paper cutouts, light source, audio
  • work in progress
  • performance duration: 14’’
  • Photo: Alessandro Di Giugno
  • Photo & video edit: Andrea Rossetti Studio

Anìmule is an immersive performance, a shadow play projected on wall, realized upon the invitation of Corpi sul palco, in 2022, and then developed for Nctm and art. The shadows are generated by the artist by manipulating small silhouettes of ripped paper in whose shapes images of humans and other living entities merge. Their alternation on the surface is accompanied by a sound element: Losi reads fragments from Roberto Calasso (Il cacciatore celeste, 2016) and Alberto Giacometti (Paris sans fin, 1960), while a child’s voice recites short lines written by the artist herself. The two elements of which the performance is composed (the audio and the paper figures) are conceived, modified and modulated depending on the location and presentation, bringing to life an original performance each time.


In collaboration with Carolina Casali

Sound contributions by Alessio Ferrari

Vittoria Fanelli, Inesa Martsinkevich, Oscar Formacio Mendoza, Adrian White Naude, Graziano Peruffo

Sound recordings by Giorgia Mascia realized in Orgosolo, Sardinia, 2021


“For as long as I can remember, if I have a piece of paper in my hands and cannot draw or write, and especially if I am listening to someone who is talking, I cannot contain myself: I tear the paper and based on the first tear, the first irregular line, I imagine a shape (animal, vegetable, a landscape, real or invented beings) and proceed by tearing and modeling contours. The result is silhouettes with irregular, stylized outlines and often incorrect proportions, responding to the paper type differently each time. These forms come alive in a narrative without a story, like apparitions in a shadow play. Amulets of light that appear and disappear. Wandering anìmules, Anìmule vaganti.” CL


  • paper cutouts, light source, audio
  • work in progress
  • performance duration: 14’’
Photo: Daniele Signaroldi

Installation views: Galleria Maurizio Corraini, Mantua

Performative versions: Ombre, 2022, © the artist & Corpi sul palco, Milan / Anìmule, 2023 © the artist & Nctm and art, Milan / Anìmule, 2023 © the artist, at Obrera Centro, in collaboration with Error Proyecto & Italian Institute of Culture of Mexico City, Mexico / Anìmule, 2024 © the artist & Galleria Maurizio Corraini, Mantua /