Dove sei? Dove abiti?

  • 2018
Fine resin tesserae, zinc slabs

Variable dimensions

Permanent site specific installation at Scuola dell’Infanzia, Via Savona, Milan

  • Photo: Andrea Rossetti, Daniele Signaroldi

Dove sei_Dove abiti? is a permanent site specific work, a mosaic for the facade of the public Nursery School in Milan.The project took place over several months, in which a number of workshops involving children, teachers and the artist were activated, focusing on the theme of animal and plant mimicry. Through the concept of “mimicry,” children were led to explore the possibility of species coexistence and the ability to interact and belong to a natural or social habitat. From the interpretation of the children’s countless drawings, the artist created 20 mosaics, clearly visible from outside the school.

The project has been produced by Orticola Lombardia, in collaboration with Comune di Milano, curated by Gabi Scardi.

Thanks to Michele Napoli, Rocco Di Francesco, Petra Aprile.