Voce a Vento

  • 2018
Performance and temporary site-specific installation (Licusati area, West of Monte Bulgheria)

Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park (IT)

Photo & video: Vittorio Antonacci

In the wind are flags, kites, prayers, greetings for the nomads, traveling sails, cloths to protect, laundry to dry: a whole different family of words to keep the story of every man alive in the eyes.

Claudia Losi’s text, set to music by Meike Clarelli, was interpreted by the voices of thirty women along a mountain trail. The women’s voices filled the space with polyphonic singing, at times perfectly audible, at other times fragmented and broken by the wind, distances, and the shapes of the landscape. That small portion of Monte Bulgheria was transformed into a natural theater by a performance that intertwined physical space and textual maps.

The windsocks

Installation materials: nylon ripstop different weights, polyester and steel; supports in iron, aluminum and steel
30 windsocks (meters 1.5, 3, 2) rotating metal supports (various sizes)
Project curated by: Katia Anguelova
Produced by: Associazione Jazzi

Choirs: Les Chemins de Femmes, Kamaraton (Camerota), Vivat (Lentiscosa)
With the special appearance of Elena Bozhkova, soloist of the Le Mystère des voix bulgares choir, Sofia (BG)

Special Printed Edition: Voce a vento, first volume of Passo chiama Passo, with Meike Clarelli, published by Kunstverein Milan, 2021, Snaporazverein-CH, with the support of Fondazione Shapdiz.

Video: Daniele Signaroldi

Passo chiama Passo is a new series of publications by Kunstverein Publishing Milan, conceived together with Italian artist Claudia Losi. Each edition consists of a vinyl record accompanied by an artist’s book. The publication series, co-produced with Federica M. Bianchi of Snaporazverein_CH, revolves around the relationship between voice, space and chorality, the heart of Losi’s artistic work. The publications bring together the unforeseen results of a number of site-specific performances in natural as well as urban landscapes.